Our careers are integral to our lives, shaping our experiences and influencing our relationships. To truly thrive in our professional journeys, it's essential that we not only love what we do but also continuously improve in our roles.

One key to enjoying your work and achieving excellence is the practice of self-assessment. Self-assessment requires evaluating your skills and knowledge against set benchmarks. Whether you're a student striving to pass an exam or a career professional aiming to exceed expectations, the process remains the same.

For career professionals, excelling in your role means consistently surpassing expectations and thinking outside the box. It's about delivering more than what's asked of you.

I've personally found a practice I call "My Strategy Section" to be incredibly beneficial in my career. It involves setting aside 20 minutes each week to assess my job, explore ways to enhance my work, and brainstorm solutions to significant challenges. This regular practice keeps me ahead of my peers and relevant at work.

You should start tracking your performance today. Don't wait for the annual performance appraisal. Instead, maintain records of your achievements, share positive stories about your work, and be prepared when it's time to discuss your performance with your manager.

Here's how to get started:

Journal Your Work: Maintain daily records of your activities at work. Track not only what you did but also the outcomes and how they benefited your organization.

Measure Your Progress: Regularly tracking your performance allows you to see if you're making progress toward your goals. If you're falling behind, you can quickly make adjustments to get back on track.

Develop an Improvement Plan: Your assessments might reveal areas where you need to improve or acquire new skills. Use this insight to create a plan for personal and professional growth.

Craft Your Story: Prepare for your performance appraisal by having a collection of stories ready. These should highlight your accomplishments, how you achieved them, and the specific results you delivered to your organization. Whether it's cost savings, increased productivity, or boosted revenue, these stories will make your appraisal more impactful.

By proactively assessing your performance and keeping a record of your accomplishments, you can elevate your career and stand out as a top performer. Don't wait for your manager's opinion; take control of your professional destiny and be ready to shine.

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